City Standards and Design

utility poles in sidewalk
In November I heard that Dominion Power (aka Dom.Com, VEPCO, Dominion) had indicated to a Charlottesville City Councilor that utility poles located in the middle of sidewalks could be addressed. Dominion was interested in a list, an inventory of such poles.
HEY Dominion! Are these two more sidewalk poles in the making? 1000 block of East Market Street.
Decrease the width of the street to 36 feet, keep the sidewalk, move the poles?
Put the lines in an underground utility bus?

Stuffed manimals

historic manimals
Sitting on a shelf at Burnley Moran Elementary School, Charlottesville, VA. I think the 2nd figure from the left is local grandee Th. Jefferson.
3rd from the left whichever indigenous princess wore her hair in a ponytail. To the far right, US Representative David Stern Crockett (the hat).
That leaves two, an unsmiling man/woman far left and an African American male. ID help please.

Burnley-Moran was built in 1954. It takes its name from the first two women to head Charlottesville schools. Carrie Burnley was principal of McGuffey School for twenty-eight years, and Serepta Moran was principal of Venable School for twenty-one years. The mascot is the bobcat.–Cvillepedia


license plate scabies
In Virginia, car owners have the opportunity to “Create a plate“, Identity plates, vanity plates, license plates that tell the rest of the world something about the interests of the owner of the vehicle.
Usually the choices are idiotic, but on occasion, the message is intriguing. Eight characters to say something really important.